
The Weakness of Democracy in Brazil

Written for my Political Science class on Comparative Politics, taught by (my unofficial mentor whether he realizes it or not) Dr. William Crowther in the Spring of 2019 at UNC Greensboro. I loved writing this paper, despite the sleepless nights. Thank you, Dr. Crowther. Andrea B. Santolim Geller The Weakness of Democracy in Brazil PSC 260 Dr. William Crowther Paper Word Count: 3,134 Introduction As with many post-colonial nations attempting to modernize, Brazil is one which struggles with being highly industrialized and yet simultaneously underdeveloped. This particular South American country has been mostly democratic since the end of the Brazilian Empire (1822-1889), with the exception of the military coup from 1964 to 1988. In recent years, Brazil has developed numerous programs as well as passed various laws which seek to improve public welfare and restabilize their economy through democratic values. The weakness of the Brazilian democracy is caused by three c

Social Practice Art

Class taken at UNC of Greensboro with Professor Maria Lim in the Spring of 2019. Social Practice Art Social Practice Art - Andrea Geller Definition of Social Practice Work: Ai Wei Wei “Fuck You” Series: Gramsci Monument and Images: Shepard Farey: Dread Scott: https://www.dr